Larger 7075 T6 Aluminum Rear Sprocket Hard Anodized For Extended Durability
Faster acceleration, better hill climbing, and longer run time with only a small reduction in top speed.
These sprockets require a longer 420 chain. You can add a few links to your existing chain but it is always recommended to install a new chain when new sprockets are installed. The length of chain needed depends on what size sprocket you are using.
NOTE: It is recommended to replace front and rear sprockets at the same time to reduce premature sprocket and chain wear.
Stock 48T Sprocket = 106L Chain
52T Sprocket = 108L Chain
54T Sprocket = 110L Chain
56T Sprocket = 112L Chain
58T Sprocket = 112L Chain
60T Sprocket = 114L Chain
Keep sprockets aligned for minimum wear and greater efficiency with the Motio Pro sprocket alignment tool. Find the tool HERE!